Dentist in Walthamstow
25 St James Street Walthamstow E17 7PJ
Preventative Dentistry Children Dental Hygiene Bad Breath & Gum Disease Decay Detection Mouth Cancer Screening

The dentists are all very caring and considerate. They always let me know the costs up front, and involve me in my treatment.
M Alley
Contact Us
I have a swollen mouth and face and I am in a lot of pain. I am taking painkillers but they aren't helping
Your best option is to call us straight away so that a dentist can exam you. It sounds like you may have an abscess and it may be necessary to prescribe antibiotics. A dental abscess can be very painful, and although painkillers may control the pain, they cannot treat or cure a dental abscess.
I've broken a tooth and I need an emergency appointment
The quickest way to make an appointment is to telephone us directly during our opening times. We will do are very best to see you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours. If we have an empty slot or had a cancellation we will be happy to see you sooner.
When we are closed there are out of hour's arrangements available for our patients. See Emergency appointments. Details are also available on our answer phone when we are closed.
Can I register with your practice as a new NHS patient?
Since the pandemic there has been a record number of patients requiring urgent dental care. We may be unable to accept new NHS patients routinely when we are working to full capacity. Therefore it is advisable to check our profile on for changes or contact us for latest availability.
I’m moving away to another area but I want to keep seeing my usual dentist, is this possible?
Yes, you can still see your usual dentist. Please keep your contact details at the practice up to date letting us know of any changes to your address and telephone numbers as soon as possible.
I work full time, can I still be treated under the NHS?
Yes, all UK residents are entitled to be treated under the NHS. If you work and are not in receipt of any benefits, you will be required to pay the NHS fees as set out by the government
Am I entitled to free NHS dental treatment? Click here
Is my treatment covered by the NHS?
You can have all treatment on the NHS that your dentist feels is clinically necessary to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy.
Some treatments that are cosmetic, such as teeth whitening are not covered by the NHS.
If you're offered any private treatment during your NHS appointment your dentist will provide details of private treatment and charges – usually on the same form as your NHS treatment plan, so that you are fully informed of your treatment and the costs associated.
What is Root Canal Treatment and why do I need it?
To put it simply, root canal treatment is used to save teeth which would otherwise need to be removed. Treatment is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury.
I had a denture fitted a few days ago but it is rubbing, is this normal?
Yes, new dentures often rub the gums a bit at first, meaning that they may need to be adjusted by the dentist. Please call us to arrange a suitable time for you to come in for your adjustment.
My teeth are really sensitive, what can you do to help?
Depending on the cause of the sensitivity, your dentist may decide to apply a special varnish onto the affected teeth or put bonding around the neck of the tooth, to cover exposed dentine. Please contact us to make an appointment to see the dentist.
I’m a nervous patient and haven’t seen a dentist in years.
Now that you have made the first steps to contact us let us reassure you that we are used to treating nervous patients .Your first appointment will simply be a check up, a chance to get to know your dentist and discuss your treatment options. We don’t mind if you would like to bring along a friend to ease this process. It’s probably a good idea to arrange an appointment at the start of your day so that you have less time to worry about it. Should you need any further advice please contact us either by telephone or send us an email.
How long does it last?
Degree of lightness will vary from patient to patient. Some patients may need to repeat the procedure periodically to top up the effect.
What are the benefits?
When whitening might not work?
Whitening cannot change the colour of natural teeth it can only lighten the existing shade. Whitening only works on natural teeth. It will not affect the colour of existing porcelain crown, veneers, bridges or denture teeth. It will not change the colour or shade of existing tooth coloured fillings: these may need to be replaced to ensure good shade matching.
Is there anything else I should know?
Some patients may experience sensitivity from hot and cold drinks after treatment. If you are considering Teeth Whitening, please ask your dentist for further information about risks, benefits and suitability.
Will I be in pain?
It is likely that there will be some discomfort and swelling both on the inside and outside of your mouth after extraction/surgery. This is usually worse for the first three days but it can take up to two weeks before all the soreness disappears.
You may need to control the pain with tablets. If these have not been prescribed, you can use pain killers you would normally use if you had a headache. Follow the dosage recommended on the packet. If antibiotics have been prescribed, please ensure you finish the course.
What about bleeding?
When you have any teeth removed you are left with a hole (tooth socket) in your jawbone. At first a blood clot forms, before healing over completely.
If bleeding occurs when you go home, apply pressure on the tooth socket with a clean, damp rolled piece of cotton/linen handkerchief. Try this for the first 10 to 20 minutes. If bleeding does not stop, please telephone the surgery. If the surgery is closed call the emergency dentist telephone number Emergency Appointment Keep biting on the handkerchief until you have spoken to or seen the dentist.
Can I eat or drink after treatment?
Try not to eat or drink if possible until after the numbness has worn off. It is advisable to eat on the opposite side of your mouth to the extraction site. For the first 12 hours (after the numbness has worn off) avoid hot drinks (which can break down the clot). Take only warm liquids or soft foods.
Can I smoke or drink alcohol?
It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after the extraction. Smoking can prevent healing and cause bleeding to start.
What do I need to do at home?
When you have had a tooth out you must look after the area to speed healing and to reduce the risk of infection. It is important to keep the extraction site as clean as possible for the first few weeks after surgery. It might be difficult to clean your teeth around the sites of the extraction because it is sore.
The day after your extraction you can start using a warm salt water bath to help reduce the risk of infection. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, hold a mouthful in your mouth for about 30 seconds so that the solution floods to the extraction site, then spit it out and continue in the same way until you have used the entire cup. You can do this after every meal or two to three times a day. Keep using the salt water until the extraction socket has healed. Do not use mouthwash as this may harm newly growing cells.
Will I have any problems?
It is uncommon to get an infection, particularly if good oral hygiene is maintained after surgery. If you are worried about infection, the signs would be a raised temperature, a nasty taste in the mouth, increased pain and severe swelling around the extraction site. If you experience any of these, it is important to contact us as soon as possible.
The Inman Aligner is a cost-effective removable orthodontic appliance that moves teeth in a fraction of the time of other systems. It aligns crowded or protruding front teeth with two opposing spring loaded aligner bars. This provides gentle but continuous pressure over a large range of movement. Surprisingly, this gentle pressure is the quickest way to move teeth but it also makes treatment very safe and kind to teeth.
People love the speed of treatment and it's changing the face of dentistry as we know it. The average treatment time is only 4-16 weeks.
How does it work?
The Inman Aligner uses a lingual coil spring that puts pressure on the teeth that need straightening and a labial bar that reverses the same pressure. These devices work together to squeeze the teeth together by pushing and pulling them into position. Visit inman aligner website at
Why is it used?
The Inman Aligner works quickly and effectively and you can have your front teeth straightened in as little as 6-16 weeks. Simple cases can be finished in just over a month and more severe cases can be as little as four months. Normally the front lower teeth tend to move a little faster the then front upper teeth.
Advantages of using Inman Aligner
Q: What is Six Month Smiles?
A: Six Month Smiles™ braces are clear, wires are usually tooth-coloured and very small. Treatment times usually fall within 4-9 months. Discomfort is minimal as teeth are gently repositioned. Cost is usually less than traditional braces
Q: How can teeth be straightened in only Six months?
A: The Six Month Smiles™ technique employs the latest technology and techniques in dentistry to move your teeth quickly and safely using a brace that is attached to your teeth. The key components of the treatment are the use of special nickel titanium wires and a primary focus of moving the teeth that show when you smile.
Q: Six months sounds good, but will I still have a mouth full of metal for the whole time?
A: No! Six Month Smiles™ dentists use tooth-coloured braces that are barely visible. The wires are usually tooth-coloured as well. These are nothing like metal braces!
Q: How are Six Month Smiles™ more comfortable than regular braces?
A: Six Month Smiles™ use low force to move teeth more comfortably. Many people think that the accelerated treatment means simply "tightening" regular braces to get the teeth moving, but that is not true. Six Month Smiles™ utilizes standard orthodontic mechanics, but with an emphasis on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite.
Q: Do Six Month Smiles™ braces damage the teeth, roots, or gums?
A: There are no more risks of root damage or other issues than those associated with traditional orthodontics. Since the forces used with Six Month Smiles™ braces are lighter and teeth are seldom extracted, there are actually even fewer risks involved with Six Month Smiles™ orthodontics.
Q: Will I have to wear a retainer?
A: Yes, as with any teeth-straightening treatment a retainer is necessary to maintain the straighter position of your teeth. If you don't want to wear a removable retainer, you can have a bonded retainer placed. There are a variety of options that you can choose from according to your personal preference and situation.
Q: Would I be suitable?
A: If you are an adult with crooked or spaced teeth and you're not looking for a major alteration to your bite, this could be the solution for you! Most adults ARE candidates for Six Month Smiles.
What are dental implants and how do they work?
Dental implants are fixed replacement teeth which look, feel and function like natural teeth meaning you can eat and drink whatever you are used to and improve your quality of life in subtle ways.
People who have felt embarrassed and worried because of their tooth problems are often amazed by what new permanent teeth can do for their self-esteem and confidence to smile.
Why choose dental implants?
Dental implants are one of the most predictable ways to replace missing or un-savable teeth. They usually last far longer than bridges, crowns and dentures. Dental implants are the closest thing to your own teeth in how they look and feel. Though the initial cost is higher they usually need far less replacements. They do however require minor surgery to place the implants.
How long does a dental implant take?
Treatment times vary. Usually we will place the implant and provide a temporary tooth to replace the gap. Then the crown/ bridge/ denture will be placed 4 to 6 months later. For same day teeth, a full set of teeth is fixed in place on the implants and replaced with the final set 4 to 6 months later.
What results can I expected from my new dental implant?
Implants offer a fixed replacement of teeth that do not damage or put pressure on your natural teeth. They are the closest replacement to your teeth in appearance and function. If looked after with good cleaning and annual reviews, they usually last much longer than crowns or bridges.
Are dental implants affordable?
We offer 0% finance with repayments to suit your needs. A member of our team will be happy to talk you through finance options.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign straightens teeth using a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teeth. As you replace each aligner every two weeks, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week, gradually moving towards the projected final position.
Comfortable, clear and removable – Invisalign transforms your smile without disrupting your life. Something that over 3 million people worldwide have already discovered.
What are the benefits of Invisalign?
Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible. No one may even notice that you're wearing these virtually invisible aligners, making Invisalign a seamless fit with your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others.
Invisalign aligners are removable giving you the flexibility to eat and drink what you want during treatment by simply removing the aligners. And you can also remove the aligners to brush and floss as you normally would for fresh breath and to maintain good oral hygiene.
Unlike traditional fixed braces, there are no metal brackets or wires. This means that in most cases less time is spent in your Invisalign Provider's practice for adjustments.
And finally, Invisalign allows you to view your virtual results and treatment plan before you even begin treatment so you can see how your teeth are expected to look when your treatment is complete
Am I suitable for Quick Straight Teeth treatment?
Patients who have a mild to moderate crowding or protrusion of their front teeth could well be suitable for treatment with Quick Straight Teeth. Please ask your dentist about suitability.
How long does Quick Straight Teeth treatment take?
The total duration of treatment will depend on the complexity of the treatment. The average treatment time is from 2 to 4 months. Your dentist will be able to give you an estimation of the total treatment time during your consultation.
What will I look like with the appliances in?
The Quick Straight Teeth appliances are specifically designed to have minimal disruption to everyday life. The clear braces used have no bulky material.
Is Quick Straight Teeth painful?
Like with all orthodontic treatment, some patients may experience temporary, minor discomfort for the first few days at the beginning of each new stage, this is completely normal and is actually a sign that the clear braces are working towards straightening your teeth. Discomfort typically goes after a few days.